Your 7-Day At-Home Dog Exercise Itinerary
Creative dog exercises to do with your pup while in quarantine. While self-isolating and quarantining are not ideal situations for us humans, our dogs are certainly loving the extra time we’re all spending at home.
In trying times like this, it’s important to recognize those silver-linings, so try your best to soak up all those extra puppy-snuggles and time with your favourite furry friend. After all, dogs offer great stress relief.
Self-isolation isn’t so lonely with your dog
Now, depending on which part of Vancouver you live in, you might be able to take your pal for his routine dog hikes, but if you’re in a densely populated area, or you’re locked in a full-on quarantine, you and you’re doggo will need to be cooped up inside, for days on end… not a great recipe for mental and physical health for either you or your dog.
While his whines are getting louder, and you’re feeling more and more stir-crazy, why not bring the exercise indoors? Though we’d all prefer outdoor dog walks, there are plenty of indoor activities we can do to keep us (and our dog) moving!
At-home dog exercise itinerary
Here’s a seven-day itinerary for some excellent ‘dog-ercises’ for you and your pupper-pal! You might be surprised at how much they motivate you too. And, there are guaranteed laughs in each exercise – especially during dog-yoga!
Monday – Cardio
Walk/jog on the treadmill for 15 minutes, then let your dog have a turn for some lung-strengthening cardio. Repeat two to three times throughout the day. If you don’t have a treadmill, then do a circuit of burpees, stair-climbers and squats with 30-second breaks in between each exercise. Toss your pup a ball in that 30-second break for a speedy game of fetch.
Tuesday – Strength
Play Tug of War for 10 minutes to build upper body strength for you and jaw-strength for him! Don’t be afraid to really get into it: get down on the ground with your pup to get a better exercise, and to get them extra excited. Repeat this game two to three times throughout the day.
Wednesday – Cardio + Dexterity
Skip rope for 3-minute intervals with a 1-minute rest. During your 60-second rest, toss your pup’s favourite ball for a game of fetch. Repeat this two to three times throughout the day!
Thursday – Stretching + Meditation
Practice an online yoga routine for 20 – 30 minutes, with your dog closeby, on his own mat (if you have an extra one). Whether he mirrors your ‘down-dogs’ or not, this will be a great bonding experience for both of you! Plus, you’ll likely be covered with puppy-kisses at the end.
Friday – Cardio + Strength
Take a stroll up and down your stairs at home, leading your dog with you (guide them with a leash if they won’t follow). Repeat this exercise two to three times, depending on the number of stairs! If you don’t have a stairway in your home, substitute a few sets of mountain climbers, then walk your dog around the house in between sets.
Saturday – Dexterity + Strength
Toss a soccer ball (or another ball) for 5 minutes with your dog. See if he can bounce it off his nose, do some tricks with it, and try your own hand at some trick shots! If you have family members in the house with you, try a game of ‘piggy-in-the-middle’ where you play keep away to gently tease your pup! Repeat this game two to three times a day, when you need to move.
Sunday – FUN-day!
To end off your week, play a few games of Hide and Seek to get you and your pup excited. This is a leisurely game, but you can make it as energetic as you want – or let’s be honest, as energetic as your dog wants! At the end of your playtime, be sure to reward yourselves with a treat, each.
Stay active, indoors with your dog
Dog exercises that are fun and your pup will thank you for the extra attention. Whatever you decide to do, know that you’re making a difference in both your life and the life of your dog. Not only are you building a healthier body and mind, but you’re also building a deeper relationship with your dog. And that’s another silver lining right there. 🙂
Happy trails and happy tails to you!
Looking for a Vancouver dog walker? Contact Poochike Adventures today to keep your pup active and healthy with dog pick-up/drop-off services and some super dog hikes throughout North Vancouver! Bark at Poochhike today!